Saturday 4 February 2012


Happy New Year - again! 
Chinese New Year celebrations big here -there is a large Chinese population. We have seen the most amazing lion dancers, beautiful costumes, Chinese writing and lanterns - and that was just at the British School! A group of our children were invited to spend the day there so we went too.

We were guest speakers at the all school assembly and prize-giving the following day and came away with 100,000 pesos and two new child sponsors signed up, plus a parent is paying for a shower room at the school and another is helping us to decorate the 'Rainbow Room' next week - room for counseling traumatized children -to make it less clinical. They are amazing, they feature PCF in every issue of their magazine - trying to attach it to this - we feature on pages 4/5 ish - under Primary News.
(Not working, so you'll have to take my word for it, will show you when we come home!)

 Other good news this week:
  • Target Philippines have given us $25,000 for books
  • Local business given lots of canned food
  • One of our creditors has written off the bill
  • The new headmaster at the British School has agreed to adopt PCF as their only charity (before they supported a number) so they can focus just on us
  • Our wheezy coughs have gone
We really feel there is light at the end of the tunnel, supporters are appearing and things are stabilizing a little. However, a very difficult couple of weeks involving staff issues to overcome which have caused a lot of anxiety.

We do thank the Lord for his faithfulness in all of this.

Some things that have amused us this week:
  • Sign outside an apartment building a few miles away, 'Warning - you are now crossing the Philippine Fault Line, please ensure your earthquake preparations are up to date'
  • People we have come across this week - Cinderella Balorum (pronounced ballroom), Muttley Yap, Kay Figuracion (an accountant!) and Jesus Christus.
  • sign outside the bank 'please turn off your cell phone and deposit your firearms' 
  • At the petrol station sign saying 'no security cameras' - because there was a guy with a pump action shotgun watching our every move - would you drive off without paying?
Not sure we will ever get used to the amount of guns around - even the guard outside McDonald’s in Manila - would you want to steal a burger?
There is another view of course - as one of the social workers said to me yesterday, " I don't think I'd like to go to the UK, how can you keep safe without any guns".
Prayers please:
  • For the HR issues to be resolved amicably
  • That the February salaries and bills can all be paid
  • For M (one of our 4th graders) who has Dengue fever 
  • For a containment of the mercury problem - the levels are now increasing around the school 
  • For the barangay leaders who are giving some awareness training to the dump-site foragers regarding the treatment they should give long life light bulbs (which is where the mercury comes from) - it is a first that something so positive should happen amongst the leaders (like mayors), they command a lot of respect so will be listened to much more than us
  • For Stan's meeting with D & L Industries this week - there is a possibility they may fund the teachers salaries for a year.
  • For the scary event this month - we have been invited to attend a reception at the British Embassy. The previous ambassador was a great supporter of PCF, this one not interested so far, so this is a very positive step
 For a taste of life in Manila - go on You Tube and search for 'British bus driver in Manila', a friend asked if it is accurate - it is!

The girl on the ladder is one of our PCF students going home to live on top of the tombs in Navotas - just reminds us there is still so much to do.

Love to everyone

Sue and Stan xxxx

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