Tuesday 28 January 2014


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
Proverbs 3 : 5

In 24 hours we will be at Heathrow - we fly to Uganda at 11am on Thursday - and by 10.30pm local time we will be landing at Entebbe. And then the next adventure begins and we will be trusting in the Lord that led us to it.
 Neither of us would have even considered going through with this had we not been absolutely sure it was where the Lord wanted us to be.

We want to thank those of you who have helped us financially to fund this trip - you know who you are - we knew it would be challenging when we agreed to fund it ourselves but you have been generous and the Lord has provided for us as He always does.
Also thank you to those who have pledged prayer support - it will keep us strong in difficult times - bless you.

We hope to be able to update you on the blog every couple of weeks but be aware that the electricity supply and internet availability may not support us in this, so be patient!

We will be back in Churchdown in July for a short break so hope to catch up with some of you then.

Attached is a picture of our home for the next 12 months, together with a picture of us just in case you forget what we look like :)

With love and every blessing

Sue and Stan