Monday 8 August 2016

BLOG NO 24 - 5TH AUGUST 2016

''For I know the plans I have for you'', declares the Lord, ''plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you''.
Jeremiah 29 : 11-12

As we write this the final team of the term have just left and we are now washing 14 sets of sheets and towels – by hand!

Difficult to believe we are almost at the end of term, Wakissha mock exams and the school exams start on Monday for 2 weeks, then a week after that the students leave with their reports.

Once we have finished up a few things here we will also be leaving so will see some of you very soon.

It has been a very busy term with lots going on with all sorts of quizzes at The Bridge, The Rock busy with patients from the school and the community, prefectorial elections, Visitation day, which included a very long session of voting on a new PTA, and of course finally seeing the 'extra foot on the basketball posts' completed!

As always it has been a joy to be involved in Activate even though that has been with S5 and S6 only. Kato Patrick continues to tell us how much he is enjoying Activate with S1 to S4. The students tell us he is a great teacher (and goes without saying he is less batty than the mzungus they had previously – I mean us Elspeth, not you!).

We have survived the prefectorial elections which were very exciting. Electioneering, free and fair voting (we were told), and then of course the handover ceremonies which took the best part of a Sunday afternoon and evening, with cake at the end and the added bonus (for us) of the Wimbledon men's tennis final on World Service radio when we got back to Mirembe!

Stan found out he was guest speaker only when we arrived in the school hall, so a hastily scribbled speech on the back of a scrap of paper was followed by a brilliant and very encouraging talk based on bread and yeast – really don't know how he does it.

It has been a term of many visitors, mostly with only a day or two between them, so feeling a little tired now. We have already told you about some of them in the last blog.

This month we have had Em Ball staying – daughter of Phil and Michele of ServeDirect. Em was one of the first to teach at WTA, spending her gap year and subsequent holidays teaching on the old site. She spent 2 weeks with us and then left to travel with her boyfriend. Their aim – to travel through five African countries in five weeks – quite a challenge when you consider it is now often taking us two or three hours to get from Kampala to here!

Not long after Em left we had the Chase team of 14 staying, from Waltham Chase Methodist church. We won't try and list everything they did, will let the photos speak for themselves, but they did a lot!

They were a lovely group of people with a very wide age range, from 14 to – well let's just say a little bit older! They had a very diverse skills set which of course was brilliant news for WTA, The Bridge and The Rock.

Fortunately we did find a small window of two days earlier in the month to head off to the Haven at Jinja and relaxed (as you will see from the photos) beside the Nile. It was very peaceful and set us up nicely for the rest of the term.

This will be our last term here at the school as Project Guardians although we hope to return to Uganda in the future as tourists – it is a beautiful country with beautiful people and it has been a pleasure and a privilege to work amongst them.

We have made some wonderful friends, from Charles, the staff and some of their children, the students, the children who come to the Bridge and many members of the wider community. We will certainly never forget either them or the experience and we are so grateful to ServeDirect for giving us the opportunity and stacks and stacks of support.
We are not going to name names as everyone involved in ServeDirect has been great in one way or another, so thank you. Also we must thank Helen and Steve Richardson for introducing us to Jerry and Elspeth in the first place.

Please continue to hold Wobulenzi Town Academy, The Rock and The Bridge in your prayers, and also please pray for the next Project Guardians, that the Lord has already planted a seed in the hearts of the people he has chosen.

And please also pray for us. Some of you have already asked us what we are doing next and the answer to that is we have no idea. First we plan to have some downtime to relax and unwind, and then, as always, we leave such decisions to the Lord and will wait to find out. His timing not ours.

Thanks again to all of you who have supported us in this adventure, both financially and with prayer, newsy emails, phone calls and cards – bless you all.

This may well be the last blog for some time – we hope you have enjoyed them.

Please continue to keep up with what's happening here by following ServeDirect on their website ( or on Facebook.

With love Sue and Stan

Activate - praying for the UK at Brexit time

basketball posts being dug up - to add an extra 12 inches - who knew there was a regulation height!

discussing the back boards with Roger

off to be lengthened and welded

back in use!

rats for Biology practical - need add no more information......

Madam Deborah's wedding 

Our lovely Eva (Deborah's sister) dolled up for the wedding

Annette (Charles' wife) and Headmistress Gertrude

steps you have to take to get a radio signal for World Service!

Ethan's football training

getting coals for the irons - no electric ones here

Jennie and Melissa visit - and bring Pimms!

some old bloke visits Kasalina school

quiet time in the kitchen

fitting books and craft into the new storage unit


our neighbour cutting down his mango tree - he is up there somewhere!

nearly finished!

digging - with baby on the back of course

discussing items for the assembly with Engola Arnold 

pre-baptism class led by Emmanuel

prefectorial elections - campaigning

new prefects being sworn in

hall decorations - now we know why there is a shortage of TP in the latrines!

celebration cake for the new prefects

and certificates for the retiring ones

the point at which Stan realised he had to make a speech! (He was number 6!)

speech from the Headmistress

speech from the retiring Head Prefect - Prossy

speech from some old bloke who was apparently the guest of honour!

regulation hair shaving for all

using Roger's hand-made gym equipment (plastic bottles and cement!)

Saturday afternoon board games

the brick maker next door

Maths quiz at The Bridge

The Bridge - no shoes allowed

Ethan playing 'Simon says' - Ugandan style

Madam Brenda telling the children ' walk, don't run'

some R & R at The Haven by The Nile



Visitation Day - selling liquid soap and bracelets made by the Entrepreneurship club

visiting parent in uniform!

waiting for parents to arrive

and a lovely welcome when they got there

preparing for the 14 strong Chase team - extra seating!

poles up, canvas on.....

why does this remind me of New Wine?

fun at The Bridge

cake baking (or rather frying) lesson at The Bridge

starting the alphabet wall mural at The Bridge


Chase team - worship.....

.......and lessons

and not forgetting jelly (fruits of the spirit illustration)

first taste of jelly ever for these students

they liked it!

line dancing in the evening

orderly queue for the craft lesson

learning the memory verse for the day

goodbye Chase team - you were brilliant!

new baby at The Rock

WTA church - sermon by new Head Girl Akullu Stella

small taste of traditional dancing

worship - Wobulenzi Town Academy style!

Home soon for some R & R and a catch up with this one :)